6 Stone Wall Ideas For Home Interior

Thinking for home improvement? Consider interior renovation first. Home interior is the area where one has to spend almost half of the day. It is the area which can create an attractive appeal among the guest. So, beautify it with natural stone. The wall serves as the point of attraction. There are several ways one can adopt to enrich the indoor area. Installing a stone wall is one of the best ideas of all. Living room, kitchen, bathroom, hall were the areas covering interior space. Give a lift to the home decor with following stone wall ideas: 1. Slate Stone Wall: Who is not aware of the physical features of the slate stone type? The natural rock extracts from the earth’s crust carry rich minerals. Thus, best suitable for cladding applications . Slate wall cladding comes in several rich brown shades. It gives a rustic appeal to the surroundings. California gold and multicolor, available in Stone Universe Inc Washington are the finest hues available in the sl...